International School

The Working of Singapore International School During Pandemic

The schools that provide students with knowledge and help in their upbringing remain closed during the pandemic named Covid-19. But the working of schools has never stopped, as the teachers are providing knowledge through online classes. The same goes with the singapore international school,which remained closed during the pandemic but provided the best education to its students.

Singapore International School

Covid-19 Impact on Schools

  • Allthe schools remain shut during the pandemic,and as a result, education has changed drastically. Schools have introduced e-learning, where teaching is held ondigital platforms.
  • Online classes take less time, and students are less interested in studies.
  • Many online programs are offering free access to the service. Some platforms are providing free live classes.
  • Students can use the technology well.


Challenges of Online Learning

Some students who don’t have internet access have trouble attending online classes. The government school children can’t study online because of a lack of resources available with the family. Some students don’t know how to operate the computer.Many distractions occurred during the online classes; sometimes, there were network issues, noise from outside, and many more. Teachers also faced some challenges during online courses, such as time commitment issues, teacher communicating problems, technical issues that teachers face during digital classes.

Benefits of Online Classes

  • During pandemics, online classes prevent the students from getting sick.
  • A person can save time, money, and energy also.
  • Most students are also doing part-time jobs and cannot balance their academic education, so theyask for online classes to manage things well.
  • Some students hesitate to ask questions in the classroom because of other classmates, but through online classes, they become confident while sitting at home and asking many questions to their teachers.
  • Improve the technical skills in students, as they can learn more computer skills. They will learn to share documents, assignments, and more.
  • The students can attend the class without any excuse, no matter the circumstance. Because in school, students make excuses such as bad weather, high fever, etc.

The singapore international school provides Student Learning Space (SLS) for all grades and subjects. The teachers present their topics using templates on this, and every student has an account on SLS. During the pandemic, Singapore decided to make home-based learning via SLS. In Singapore, all secondary students will have to attend online classes two days a month, and they will be provided with a device. Singapore also plans to organise online courses for primary schools.

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